Sunday, May 26, 2013

Let's Talk Medications

I am by no means a perfectly healthy human being, even before the PCOS diagnosis. I keep an inhaler with me at all times for my asthma, though I only use it "as needed" now. I also take a daily 12.5mg of Atenolol for high blood pressure (this is after having been on a heart regulating pill for a few years). When my body decides to get sick, I get sick. Head colds quickly become sinus and upper respiratory infections. Same with allergies. Some months through the year, I'm even taking a daily allergy pill to be proactive with my heath. Some years, it doesn't help. Currently, I am not taking any allergy pill (not that it helped in the month of April!).

For this last month of birth control pills, I am also holding steady with my 1500mg of Metformin and adding in the OB Complete Petite Softgel prenatal. This makes 5.5 pills daily and an inhaler on-hand; no biggie. I got this.

The good thing about the Metformin is the restricted diet to control side effects. I end up eating a lot of fruits and veggies and have mad cravings for steak - and I am not complaining! I cannot have any straight milk or dairy product, though, which kills me. I'm not a fan of a full glass of milk to begin with, but I do enjoy a blended (now caffeine free) beverage from the coffee shop most mornings. Some meals just aren't the same with a big cup of Earl Grey tea (which, now that I think about it, must go, soon, too - this whole 'no caffeine' thing kinda sucks).

The blood pressure medication will need to go once we pop positive. I know this. Both my cardiologist and my OBGYN are aware of this. Once I have positive confirmation, I am under orders to call in and have her order a pregnancy-safe blood pressure medication, set up my appointment with her, and give my cardiologist notice of the change. I'm fairly certain I'm going to be under watch as high-risk patient the moment that test strip shows two pink lines (insert frowny face here).

Aside from the occasional Tums, that's it. I have always self-treated migraines with naps and take Tylenol on rare occasions.

These next few months will be an interesting trip, to say the least. With any luck, I won't need any more pills or medications to can get pregnant; I mean, I already take enough as it is!

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